Sunday, November 17, 2019

a year of habits/planning

I am an over planner, not to be confused with an over achiever though. Perhaps its the (enneagram) 9 in me.... 
So I've broken down this upcoming year of healthy habits into sections, or parts of my life that I feel are most important: faith, relationships, self, home, fitness and nutrition. 

I've been playing around with a bunch of different ways to track and journal all my habits, goals, and reflections and I've found a few that I really like.  For those of you that want to follow along, I wanted to try and make it as easy for you as possible too. 

So what you'll need: 
a journal/notebook or a binder to keep track of everything 
OR a habit planner, like this one (which also has a free pdf printable if you'd prefer)
if you want: highlighters &/or markers 
anything else that will make this fun/crafty
**I'll include print outs and what I'm using, but feel free to find and share what you use/find as well**

Remember that this is just how I am doing this year challenge. While I would love for all of you to follow along, you can make it work for you- whether that means doing only 1 part or picking up later in the year.  
If you do follow along, remember to let me know so I can follow your journey (on instagram I'm using the hashtag #ayearofhabits).

So here's my breakdown of the year.
December- February: Faith habits
March- May: Exercise and Nutrition habits
June- September: Relationship habits
October: Home habits
November: TBD

What I plan on tracking:
year goal(s): mine is to create healthy and long lasting habits and to write more frequently
monthly goal: based on which area of life I'm currently focused on
weekly goal: a more specific goal that's attainable and can be measured
reflections throughout this journey/challenge
There are also times I might add a reward for reaching certain habits (especially the harder ones)- keep this in mind for your challenge too.

Until later (with more fun things....)
xo, kel

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