Friday, November 29, 2019

A year of habits/ month one- Faith

Let’s do this dance!!!! 

Sunday is not only December 1st and the start of Advent but it’s also the start of the year of healthy habits journey!! 
Here’s a peak at my journal for the year: 

My month goal for December (and January and February) is to practice and try spiritual disciplines in order to grow closer to God. For most of it, I am using and reading Enjoying Jesus which if you want to buy, you can find here.  My Bible Study just finished this study a couple of weeks ago and while I really enjoyed it, I didn’t feel like I allowed myself time to really jump in and try them. And I also wanted a entire week to each disciple instead of a week for two disciplines.

Here’s kind of a caveat, while I am using the book to help me, it’s not my sole tool. Some of them I might not even study. It’s more of a guideline for my three months of faith habits. And since I love studying, researching and reading, I’ll probably share from the book and other findings here as well. 

So the outline of December..... 

Week 1: prayer. 
My weekly goal is to pray before each meal- something I use to do and then got out of the habit of. 

Week 2: possibly confession? It’s the second discipline injury the book, but within the next couple days I’m thinking of changing it to something else.  Any suggestions????

Week 3: meditation. 
I’ll share a little more what this means, but my weekly goal is throughout the week to work myself up to 30 minutes a day of meditation. This is the habit I want to create. 

Week 4: study
While currently my momma in law and I are working on A Galatians Bible Study for our Women's Wednesday night group, I want the study I start this week to be just for me. My sister in law has been thinking of studying the names of God (which I like). I just haven’t quite figured out what my study will be. However, I am going to try for this week to give myself at least 15 minutes a day devoted to studying. 

Week 5: sabbath rest
This one too I’ll explain a bit more later on. As well at my weekly goal/habit for that week since I haven’t quite come up with one yet. 

I plan on sharing more in depth throughout the week. 
Xo, kel

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