Tuesday, January 6, 2015

one word: magic

Last year I came across the one-little word idea.  Actually, I had come across it before that, but until last year I hadn't wanted to try (for who knows what reason). I picked believe as my word for 2014 and it really fit. There were times when I wondered if things would get better with work and I even questioned if I should still be a teacher.  Maybe it sounds cheesy to keep relying on just a word, but I took it as a motto- something that I wanted to remind myself I could do all year long in order to be in a better place at the end of it. As it would turn out, I did. I felt like even in the roughest times I believed in something better. I believed that God had bigger and better things planned for me and that belief got me to a much happier and fulfilled place (and work environment).

So when it came down to picking one little word to stand as my motto for this year, I chose magic. If last year was the first step (to believe something great would happen) then this  year is when I prove what I can do with it. So this year I'm going to make my own magic and I'm excited to see what comes from it!

Do you have one little word picked for this year?? If so, what did you decide on?


1 comment:

  1. That's a great idea to pick one word to live by for the year. I like that. Hmmm...what word would I choose for 2015? Something to think about.

    Mandie ~ http://badbrewpack.blogspot.com/
