Monday, March 11, 2019

about that hiatus

Another hiatus. I know, how annoying. I use to not understand why bloggers would just out of no where stop posting. I got use to reading their posts and then suddenly, bam! Vanished. I always hoped that wouldn't be me, but let's be honest--I've done it too often.

It's not that I don't like blogging. Or even that I have nothing to say (trust me, if we knew each other in real life, you would KNOW I always have something to say). My lack of blogging has been because of two things...

1. It just takes so much time to sit down and write. (Which is the lamest excuse ever!)

2. Christmas. (And yes, I am well aware that it is currently mid- March). When Austin and I finally set up the computer, we decided the best place was the living room. However, since there isn't a whole lot of extra room, when it came time for the Christmas tree to go up, it was my computer that got the boot. So now it's in the bedroom. And while that may not sound so awful, I miss being able to multitask. I'd often put on the tv and edit pictures or write a blog post (or peruse Amazon). My band account is happy that last one took a time out.

But I've decided to be more intentional about writing. After all, if I want to one day write a book, I guess I do need to get use to sitting down and typing.

So until next time, I'll leave you with this photo of Luna and Chloe, living their best dog lives on an unmade bed (hey look Mom- proof that I was doing laundry)!!!!
xo- kel

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