Saturday, May 9, 2015


Reading is probably my favorite hobby. Hands down. A year or two ago I joined a book club that one of my friends created. Everyone in the group has such diverse book interests, which I love. So here are some of the books we've been reading that I have loved!!

Okay, I know...creepy cover. This actually was the least freaky of all of them in the series.  A current series that I read for book club and really enjoyed was Unwind series by Neal Shusterman. It's considered a young adult series, but don't let that fool you. These novels are not only thought provoking, but terrifying because of how close our society could be to the world of unwinding.

The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty. Not your typical read. The story is told from numerous point of views, which eventually all merge together. As the title suggests, the story begins with a wife learning about a secret her husband has been hiding. It makes you wonder "What would I do?"

I'm a huge fan of World War II books, so Sarah's Key was an automatic "have to read" book. Written by a french author,   this heartbreaking story begins with a woman in modern times learning about the round-up of Jews in France during WWII, known as Vel' d'Hiv. Her discovery then leads to a family secret that's in danger of being uncovered. 

xoxo, kel

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